1. Will the same EVI ideas/project be available each year?
No. Each project that is funded within this strategy will exist on its own timeline, and new projects are likely to emerge from year to year. Some ideas/projects will be available for multiple years and others will only be available for a year or short period of time.
2. How will the Foundation decide on the different EVI ideas/projects each year?
This strategy is intended both to provide ZSR with the flexibility to adapt to changes in the state and to regularly test new ideas. At times, ZSR will initiate a project, and at other times, ZSR will invite ideas for funding. This strategy will not operate with a traditional grantmaking timeline but, rather, will change from year to year.
3. When will ZSR announce new EVI ideas/projects or calls for ideas?
There will not be a specific time of year when ZSR announces new ideas/projects, but when new projects are launching, or when we put out a call for new projects, we will communicate with our grantees and the general public via e-mail, social media, and other communications vehicles.
4. How can I share my EVI ideas/projects for ZSR to consider?
When there is a call for ideas, it will be posted on the EVI page of the website. There is not an ongoing call for ideas, but when the Foundation puts out a call for ideas, it will be communicated broadly (see above question).