2015 ZSR Grantee Perception Report
In 2015, ZSR commissioned the Center for Effective Philanthropy to produce a Grantee Perception Report. Grantee perceptions provide important indicators of a foundation’s performance. Because grantees are the organizations working on the ground, they are in an excellent position to have informed opinions about a funder’s impact and other aspects of the foundation’s work. The Foundation would like to thank all ZSR grantees who took time to participate in this anonymous survey. ZSR is committed to funder transparency. We have, therefore, posted the following slide deck which highlights the most important survey results. We invite all grantees and applicants to contact us at communityinput@zsr.org with suggestions for how ZSR can better use its resources to create more positive impact for the benefit of North Carolinians or how we can better help organizations achieve their missions.