Meet Sally McMillen
Established in 1960 by a gift from the Foundation to honor Mary Reynolds Babcock, the sister of Zachary Smith Reynolds.
For decades, the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation has provided funds to support chair, faculty and fellowship positions at various North Carolina colleges and universities. These gifts from the Foundation are intended to honor teachers in higher education who are demonstrating exceptional academic values, inspiring the potential of their students and making significant contributions to research across a number of academic disciplines. The following are profiles of recipients of ZSR supported professorships. Additional profiles will be posted to this page.
Established in 1960 by a gift from the Foundation to honor Mary Reynolds Babcock, the sister of Zachary Smith Reynolds.
Created in 1982, Reynolds Professorships represent Wake Forest University's most prestigious professorships.
Established in 1975, the William Neal Reynolds Professor of Law at Duke University is a ZSR endowed chair position at Duke University’s School of Law.
Established in 2001, the Thomas Willis Lambeth Distinguished Chair in Public Policy at UNC Chapel Hill is a ZSR funded chair position.